Tennis Venues

Venue Brockwell Park
Region South-East
Address Norwood Road, London SE24 9BJ
Herne Hill
Public courts/
Private club
Directions The closest train station to Brockwell Park is Herne Hill, less than a 5 minute walk away. The closest tube station is Brixton which is a 10-15 minute walk. Nearby buses include the 2, 3, 37, 68, 196, 201, 322, 415 and the 468.

Brockwell Park is a large, historic park located between Brixton, Dulwich and Herne Hill.

As well as ornamental ponds, formal flower beds, a walled 'Old English' herbaceous flower garden and a charming 19th century clock tower, Brockwell Park contains a number of historic buildings, including Brockwell Hall and Brockwell Lido.

As well as the Lido, there are a number of sports facilities on offer in the park, including a basketball court, BMX track, cricket nets and football pitches. More information about these facilities can be found here - 


Other activites on offer at Brockwell Park


Brockwell Lido


Please note that slots for the following week become available at 8pm each day. Any slot that may be showing as available for the following week before 8pm is an error. Any charges will be automatically refunded and your court booking will not be valid. For example, if today is Wednesday, I can only book for next Wednesday after 8pm today.


Lambeth parks close 15 minutes before sunset, please be aware of this when selecting your booking time.

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